Forest Home Unicorn is Amazing

Login to make magic!
Stop recreating the wheel

We'll Bring These Features

Powerful Code Generation
We were tired of doing so much gruntwork just to spin up all the CRUD resources that made up our app, so we created Super Scaffolding. Inspired by Rails scaffolds, but does much, much more!
Gorgeous UI Template
Not only do we license the most beautiful admin template, but we've done the days of work it took to integrate it into a Rails app. Just copy and paste the examples to quickly build a beautiful app!
Pricing Page & Subscriptions
We've integrated our open source Koudoku Ruby gem to provide a complete Stripe Subscriptions implementation that allows you to monetize your service.
User Account Management
Users can sign-up, sign-in, and reset their password using a handtuned installation of the Devise Ruby gem.
Team support is a frequently requested feature for many SaaS businesses, but your users will be able to invite teammates to their account from day one.
Security & Permissions
We've pre-configured the CanCanCan Ruby gem so users are only able to access the data and features they're supposed to, including only accessing features they've paid for.
Third-Party Integrations
We've included pre-baked workflows to allow your users sign up with or integrate after sign-up with Facebook, Twitter, Stripe, and over a hundred other third-party OAuth provider platforms.
Onboarding Workflows
As part of our default sign-up process, we've included a highly editable onboarding wizard that ensures you can step new customers through their setup process. Nothing magical, it's just Rails code!
Full Mobile-Responsiveness
Every single page and workflow your app starts out with has already been tested to make sure it's fully responsive and work great on all devices.
Based on Bootstrap
We understand if you're scared of UI templates! So many of them are terrible to work with! But this template is clean, wonderful, and based on the newest Bootstrap, version 4!
Complete Test Coverage
So not only did we implement or integrate all of those things, we wrote a full suite of automated integration tests so you can be sure it never breaks.
Future Updates
We've got a really cool system in place to ensure you've got a great way to continue integrating our future improvements to Bullet Train into your own app.

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